Tuesday, December 4, 2012

In today's world a lot of attention on increasing housing, which is carried out mainly by industrial metodomi, on typical Projects.
 The purpose of the blog - to help those who want to build a house with his own hands.

This blog is a popular form of building houses out issues from a variety of materials. Special attention is given to methods to put land, stone, carpentry, carpentry, concrete, roofing, plastering, painting, upholstery, and other construction works.

Successfully used in the construction of parts of reinforced concrete and other similar materials. But such traditional materials as brick, natural stone, tiles, wood, used still fairly wide, especially in the industrial construction. When building a house or utility room builders often need not only material, but also expert advice.

The fact that the construction has to perform many different tasks mentioned earlier and just the right to perform for long service life alignment home.
 Besides the main construction phase there is a huge amount of questions seemingly insignificant at first glance, but the ignorance of which leads to negative consequences and financial costs in the future.
Preparation for construction Laying the foundation Walling Roofing telecommunications.

Disclose technical "secrets" of the various construction work - is the goal of the blog.


  1. Well explained and simple. Although, readers will expect more details about the actual methods or stages of house building.

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  2. Great blog, thanks for sharing! I am really trying to find some good home builders in Utah. Any suggestions for me?
